New Year Resolutions

As we enter the fourth week of January, I wanted to check in and ask, how are the resolutions going? If you are like me, I really try not to make any because let’s face it… It’s hard to keep up!!! On social media I have seen quite a few extensive lists of all the many things one should do to have a better 2024 or be the best version of oneself this year. Although such lists can be great tools for inspiration, they can also be a bit overwhelming. One of the lists I saw had a total of twenty four habits and just reading it made me feel like I was already behind on the resolution, goals and habits race. A race of course that is really against oneself but as we are just humans, I am sure we cannot help but  compare ourselves to our  family members, friends or colleagues.

Of course if ticking off each resolution or goal on an extensive list is your thing, go for it, more power to you!  However, for those of us who might need smaller steps or if you have already fallen off the resolution wagon I say; Today is Monday, it's a new day, it’s a new week all full of new chances. Please don’t beat yourself up. If you have a goal which got derailed because of whatever reason, shake it off, forgive yourself and try to start again today. It’s okay!  You have the right to start over, or revisit the goal to see if it's really what you want or if it is what social media is advising you to do. Is the goal close to your heart? Does the goal match your values? 

Most importantly, today is monday, it's a new day, it's a new week and a new chance to be kind to yourself.