The Most Wonderful Time....

It's that time of the year. Some say it is the most wonderful time of the year, I can’t remember any other season having so many songs written about it. Quite frankly the Christmas season hasn’t always been my favorite season. Everyone was so jolly and cheery and super loud and I just felt like I couldn’t catch my breath. I really did feel like the grinch and it started to become part of the season’s routine. Attending social gatherings felt like some olympic sport  and I simply did not find joy.

This year, everything is different, and I am actually really looking forward to Christmas for a few very good reasons. I learned in the last few years that the overwhelming feelings I had were really a story I had made up in my mind where everything had to be absolutely perfect, if it wasn’t perfect then Christmas would be ruined and in my mind, my family and friends would not love me anymore.

I would get so incredibly worked up about it and I would really stress going from store to store or website to website  trying to find the right present, that would show my love and affection and appreciation. I finally understood that I was putting that pressure on myself because those who really love me, care about me and not about what I give them or cook for them. 

So  this Christmas I have decided  to just take it day by day.  We humans  can only do what we can do and the love of our  family and friends will not change if we do not perform with Martha Stewart precision.  

I guess what I am trying to say is, just breathe and take each day one step at a time. Let's remember to be kind. Be kind to the person sitting across from you in the metro, the waiter serving you at the restaurant, that elderly neighbor  who perhaps is going to spend Christmas alone. Most importantly remember to be kind to yourself, you are just doing your best.